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Monday, August 23, 2010

HUGE Traffic Jam

I was passing by Taco Bell today and we saw a Traffic Jam of about 20 cars it went out of the parking lot all the way to the hill, it was ridiculous. But compared to this story (Traffic Jam) that jam was a highway. Click Here for the Story

If you don't have time to read, here's the run down:

In Gridlock China there is a Traffic Jam that is 60 miles long. it has been backed up for 9 Days!!!! They have been playing Cards and Chess. OH MY GOSH!!! :-)


~Blake Dean~


Anonymous said...

I could hear you saying all that in my head. You wrote it exactly the way you talk. Love it!

Bwdlake said...

Yep, good for blogging.....not for Grammar! LOL Happy Belated Anniversary!

~Blake Dean~

Anonymous said...

get out of my head!!!!