When I walk around school and you hear people say things like "That person is so not cool" it makes me wonder what does "cool" really mean? Well after pondering this question I discovered this:
There is a difference between cool and popular, popular is a number and cool is a trait. Popular is just the amount of people you know and like you. But cool is the people that keep their grades up and want to do good in school and plan for the future. The "popular" people are the people that get the jobs like sweeping the floor at McDonalds. The people that keep their grades up and plan for the future are the ones that become doctors and lawyers. I am not saying that if you don't make all A's you will be sweeping the floor at McDonalds, I am saying that if you try in school and do your best you will achieve anything that you want to achieve. For the people that stay in school just for sports and that is all that they got running for them and do just enough to pass so they can get to Pro's, let me tell you something only a few people get into pro then the rest are left scrapping for a job. Basically all I am trying to say is don't get caught up in the gossip of school about who's "cool and who's not. Because if those people starting those things get through school they will be working under the people that tried in school. SO try your best in school and you will achieve anything that you want to achieve.
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