Review of Toy Story 3:
Andy is leaving for College. But he has to decide what to donate, what to put in the attic and what to take to college. A Simple Mistake puts the whole gang into a daycare,
called Sunnyside. But they don't know that the leader has no intention to let them go anywhere except the Daycare. The whole gang returns Woody, Buzz, Hamm, Slinky Dog, Mr.Potato Head and Mrs. Potato Head, Jesse, Bullseye and Barbie. And Introducing Lot'so Huggin' Bear, Ken, Big Baby, Twitch, Stretch, Chunk, Sparks, Chatter Telephone, Book Worm, Jack-in the Box, Chuckles the Clown, Mr.Pricklepants, Trixie, Buttercup, Dolly, Peas
in-a-Pod and Totoro.
Questionable Content:
Love Scenes Between: Buzz and Jesse
- hold hands
- Jesse kisses Buzz on the cheek
: Ken and Barbie
- rub noses
- say "I Love You"
- hold hands
- Ken asks Barbie if she will live in his Dream House w/ Him
Some of the Sunnyside toys used Monopoly money and batteries inside a snack machine to gamble. They used a "The Farmer Says" Toy to gamble.